Alonzo Nickerson Fonds
- L3429
- collection
- 1898-1915
Fonds consists of photocopies of documents, certificates, and correspondence relating to the service of Alonzo Nickerson, Captain of the steamer Tordenskjold from 1898 to 1915. Also includes one photograph of 4 women and a girl holding a bouquet a...
Nickerson, Alonzo
Bee & George Wake Fonds
- L1808
- collection
- 1899-1900
Fonds consists of a handwriten letter and data salvages from the wreck of the Strathan, 1900. The letter is dated 29 September 1899 from Bee to George F. Wake, Esq. Also, a photograph of a young lady, presumed to be Bee. The two envelopes addresse...
Wake, George