Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada



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Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada

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Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada

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Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada

4 Resulados para Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada

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G.E. Barnes Fonds

  • L395
  • Fondo
  • [189-?]

Fonds consists of correspondence from Rear-Admiral H.F. Stephenson (Royal Navy Pacific Station) to Lt. Col. G.A.L. Rawstorne relating to mine recommendations by the Admiralty and a reply containing a detailed report and chart with sections contrib...

Orphan HMCS Naden Collection

  • L242-L243, L304-L306, L487, L781, P821, L1220, L1259, L1298, L1697-L1698, L1700-L1701, L2406-L2407, L2475, L3097, L3541, 979.097.0001, 982.027.0001-0002, 983.018.0001-0002, 984.009.0001, 984.030.0001-0002, 984.035.0001-0008, 992.028.0002
  • Fondo
  • 1857-1881; 1903-1926; 1950-1971

Fonds consists of assorted books, documents, and photographs received from HMCS Naden or related to the history and operations of HMCS Naden, HMC Dockyard, Esquimalt, CFB Esquimalt, and the Royal Canadian Navy in and around Victoria and Esquimalt....

HMCS Naden (establishment)

Anthony H. Clarke Fonds

  • L3746.1-2
  • Fondo
  • [ca. 1880-1988]

Fonds consists of ship's plans of SS Princess Royal, 1907. Also includes photographs of a variety of vessels including HM Ships, the Empress line, Tugs, Canadian Coast Guard, HMC Ships and Steamships. Also includes an oil painting of a muzz...

Clarke, Detective Sergeant Anthony H.

Frederick Ernest Grubb Fonds

  • L450, L504, L757, L1807, L1973, L1880, L1950, L2122-L2134, L2136, L2155-L2156, L2160, L3006, L3067, L3401-L3402, L3434
  • Fondo
  • 1928-1973

Fonds consists of documents and ephemeral collected by Frederick Ernest Grubb during his naval career beginning with his naval training in 1928. Fonds includes documents related to training and procedures from the Royal Canadian Navy, the Departme...

Grubb, Frederick Ernest