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Edmund Rollo Mainguy Fonds

  • L3342, 979.052-069
  • Arquivo
  • 1890-1960

Fonds consists of books, pamphlets, documents, and newspaper clippings related generally to the history of the Royal Navy, the British Fleet, the Royal Canadian Navy, The Crow's Nest Officer's Club in St. John's Newfoundland, and th...

C.H. Little Fonds

  • L521-L522, L800, L831, L1240
  • Arquivo
  • 1937-1970

Fonds consists of six issues of "The Log" magazine of HMCS Royal Roads, Royal Canadian Naval College from 1943 to 1948, and 1953 and a copy of the 1954/1955 issue of "Venturian" magazine containing articles in both English and ...

Little, Commander C.H.