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E. Gerrard Fonds

  • L3325, L3328, P4717, 988.171.0002-0005
  • Fondo
  • 1948-1966

Fonds consists of a booklet titled "A Short History and Fleet List of the Canadian Pacific Ocean Steamships 1891-1961" by George Musk, in association with the World Ship Society. There are 8 pages from "Our Women's World" ...

Gerrard, Captain E.

G. Kerley Fonds

  • 988.168.0001-0013
  • Fondo
  • 1924, [ca. 1940s-1950s]

Fonds consists of photographs, newspaper clippings, menus, programmes, tickets, a shopping list, and a postcard relating to Canadian Pacific Railways steamship lines dating to the 1940s and 1950s. Also includes one photograph dated 1924.

Canadian Pacific Steamship Lines

Hammer Fonds

  • 988.038.0003, 988.180.0001-0013, 988.214.0001-0002, 988.214.0005
  • Fondo
  • 1937-1977

Fonds consists of personal and professional documents and memorabilia related to Eric Leslie Hammer, wireless operator. Dating primarily from the 1930s and 1940s but also including a certificate of marriage between Eric Leslie Hammer and Yuiko Kat...

Hammer, Eric Leslie

Ted B. Robinson Fonds

  • L475, 988.172.0003-0030
  • Fondo
  • 1918-1981

Fonds consists of a document outlining the organization of the grand fleet/battle fleet dating to 1918 and Canadian Pacific Steamship Lines terriff's log, supervisors safety manual, telegraph cypher code book, operation and navigation regulat...

Robinson, Lieutenant Commander Ted B.