Affichage de 12 résultats Description archivistique

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Harold C. Saunders Fonds

  • 991.015.0001
  • collection
  • 1880-1922

Fonds consists of the personal and professional papers of Harold C. Saunders relating to his naval career including a certificate of indenture and correspondence dating to the 1880s and pilotage certificates, pilotage exemption certificates, and p...

Saunders, Harold C.

H.W.S. Soulsby Fonds

  • L3054-L3055
  • collection
  • 1915, 1919

Fonds consists of a December 1915 issue of "Sea Breezes" magazine and a Royal Naval College of Canada 1919 calendar.

Résultats 11 à 12 sur 12