Mostrar 666 resultados Descrição arquivística

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4 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

Thomson Fonds

  • 000.038.0001
  • Arquivo
  • 1912, [ca. 1930s-1950s], [ca. 1980s]

Fonds consists of assorted charts, pamphlets, books, and naval documents dating to the 1940s and 1950s and memorabilia related to TEV Princess Patricia Alaska Cruise dating to the 1980s. Envelope 1 1. Official souvenir programme titled “British C...

A. Thomas Fonds

  • L1137, L1694
  • Arquivo
  • 1918, 1940

Fonds consists of a small, red leather diary kept by stoker petter officer A. Thomas (later magistrate) on HMCS Rainbow and Grise, dating from 26 April 1918 to 20 November 1918 and a chief engineer's log book for SS Salvage King commanded by ...

Thomas, A

J.D. Deegan Fonds

  • L1860-L1861
  • Arquivo
  • 1955, 1957

Fonds consists of an issue of "Our Navy" magazine, 1955 and a commissioning booklet of HMCS Margaree at Halifax Shipyards, dated 5 October 1957.

Royal Canadian Navy

G.L. Palmer Fonds

  • L2434
  • Arquivo
  • 1917

Fonds consists of documents, newspaper clippings, and photographs related to the Halifax disaster and the war memorials in Halifax and Victoria.

Palmer, Miss G.L.

Company of Master Mariners of Canada

  • 009.049
  • Arquivo
  • 1969-2009

Box 1 (arc 163) Contents: 8 binders; 2 books; 1 note book; 1 vertical binder, 1 folder; 1 duo-tang binder 1. Background information and history of the Company of Master Mariners printed from their website. This document is also duplicated in the d...

Company of Master Mariners of Canada

Russel Fonds

  • 016.013.0001-0016
  • Arquivo
  • 1990-2009

Fonds consists of photos, albums, and scrapbooks relating to B.C. Ferries collected during the 19 years that the donor worked at B.C. Ferries. 0001 Flag in container, never opened. 0002 Three pamphlets for Final Farewell Decommissioning Ceremoni...

Russel, Rosalie

James A. Pollock-Marshall Fonds

  • 988.182.0001
  • Arquivo
  • 1948

Fonds consits of a Canadian Pacific, RMS Empress of France passenger list, for voyage from Montreal to Liverpool departing 23 October 1948.

Pollock-Marshall, James A.

H.W. Payne Fonds

  • 992.017.0001-0002
  • Arquivo
  • 1922-1935

Fonds consists of a motor log book containing records of runs dating from 1922 to 1935, a postcard from Montreal addressed to H.W. Payne, Saturna Island, 1923, an envelope and receipt from the Royal Victoria Yacht Club dated 1934, and a poem.

Payne, H.W.

Rosalie Frampton Fonds

  • 006.033.0001
  • Arquivo
  • 1960-1962

Fonds consists of tickets, menus, pamphlets, and passenger lists related to Canadian Pacific Steamship Lines. Also includes a letter from Frames Tours Ltd. dated 1960 and an itinerary from Blaney's Travel Service Ltd. dated 1962.

Frampton, Rosalie

Norma Lingwood Fonds

  • 006.054.0001-0003
  • Arquivo
  • [ca. 1945-1950]

Fonds consists of photocopies of articles about NOIC Utah, United States Navy, and the role of the Steamer Exodus (formerly SS President Warfield) in the founding of Israel after WWII, as well as photographs of a high level meeting aboard HM and U...

Lingwood, Norma

Resultados 591 a 600 de 666