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Correspondence-MV "Betty L"

Betty L is a fishpacker tug. Built in 1926 in Meteghan, Nova Scotia she was owned by South Shore Packers Ltd until 1934. In 1937 she was sold to owners in Vancouver. 1942-1965 she was owned by London Fish Co. Ltd., Vancouver and has had even more ...

Clarkson, John A.

Correspondence – “BC Pilot Boat No.1”

BC Pilot Boat No1 was built in 1927 by Atagi Boat Works in Steveston, BC as a pilot boat. She was owned by Canadian Pilots Ltd, Vancouver and the British Columbia Pilotage Authority, Victoria, amongst others. She was also owned by the Minister of ...

Clarkson, John A.

Correspondence - MV “New America”

New America was built in 1939 in Victoria by the Armstrong Bros. Shipyards with an Vivian Engine Works Ltd. Engine. She was requisitioned in 1941 for towing and general duties at Esquimalt. There is correspondence regarding the requisition of the ...

Clarkson, John A.

Correspondence – Yacht “Cancolim”

Built in 1928 in Vancouver by Hoffar-Beeching Shipyards Ltd for the American Can Co.Ltd., Vancouver. In 1940 she was requisitioned by the Royal Canadian Navy Fishermen’s Reserve where she was used as a patrol boat in World War 2. The file contains...

Clarkson, John A.

Correspondence – Fishing Boat “Joan W. II”

Joan W. II was built in 1937 by W.R. Menchions & Co. Ltd. as a fishing boat. Requisitioned 1939-1944 she was a part of the Fishermen’s Reserve as a Minesweeper Auxiliaries and tender to HMCS Givenchy. The file contains correspondence regarding...

Clarkson, John A.

Correspondence – “Co-operator I”

The file contains correspondence regarding the requisition of the vessel for the Second World War between HG Robinson, AA Stephens, FA Willsher, WJR Beech, and JT Edmond. One such correspondence mentions attending the Kyuquot Trollers Co-operative...

Clarkson, John A.

Correspondence – Tug “Haro”

Haro was built in 1910 in Vancouver where she was owned by the British Columbia Mills Tug & barge Co.Ltd. 1943-1944 she was requisitioned as a Canadian Naval Auxiliary Vessel/Tender Correspondence regarding the requisition of the vessel for t...

Clarkson, John A.

Correspondence – Fish Packer “San Tomas”

San Tomas was built in 1938 by AC Benson Shipyard Ltd in Vancouver as a seiner fishing boat. Requisitioned into the fishermen’s Reserve in 1940 as a patrol, and as a tender to HMCS Givenchy and HMCS Givenchy II. The file contains correspondence re...

Clarkson, John A.

Correspondence – “Sea Pride II”

Built in 1940 at Stanley Park Shipyards as a seiner fishing boat. Between 1942-1944 she was used as a patrol vessel and tender to HMCS Givenchy II, and was crewed by Fishermen’s Reserve. There is correspondence regarding the requisition of the ves...

Clarkson, John A.

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