Affichage de 3 résultats Description archivistique

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F.E.P. Haigh Fonds

  • L420, L466
  • collection
  • 1899-1902

Fonds consists of a journal and remark book kept by engineering lieutenant F.E.P. Haigh on HMS Warspite during the period of 28 March 1899 to 11 June 1902, including clippings, photos, and memorabilia. Also includes a handwritten manuscript for t...

Haigh, F.E.P.

Harry F. Leggett Fonds

  • 979.090.0002-0003
  • collection
  • 1939-1957

Fonds consists of the personal and professional papers of Harry F. Leggett, relating primarily to his service in World War II. Documents include ration books, liquor permit, short leave application cards, naval telegrams, handwritten correspondenc...

Leggett, Harry F.

Orphan HMCS Naden Collection

  • L242-L243, L304-L306, L487, L781, P821, L1220, L1259, L1298, L1697-L1698, L1700-L1701, L2406-L2407, L2475, L3097, L3541, 979.097.0001, 982.027.0001-0002, 983.018.0001-0002, 984.009.0001, 984.030.0001-0002, 984.035.0001-0008, 992.028.0002
  • collection
  • 1857-1881; 1903-1926; 1950-1971

Fonds consists of assorted books, documents, and photographs received from HMCS Naden or related to the history and operations of HMCS Naden, HMC Dockyard, Esquimalt, CFB Esquimalt, and the Royal Canadian Navy in and around Victoria and Esquimalt....

HMCS Naden (establishment)