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18 Resulados para Lighthouses

18 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

Blayney J. Scott Fonds

  • L2666
  • Fondo
  • 1924-1926

Fonds consists of a daily log book for a voyage commencing 1 May 1924 and finishing 30 September 1926 at Cape Beale, B.C.

Scott, Blayney J.

Logan & Holliday Fonds

  • 018.001.0001-0003
  • Fondo
  • 1906-1953

Fonds consists of documents relating to the careers of David Logan (donor's great grandfather) and Daniel Holliday (donor's grandfather) who both worked for the Canadian Government Telegraph and Telephone Service, and to the history of t...

Logan, David

Orphan Royal Canadian Navy Collection

  • P79.7, L110, L481, L518, L559, L677, L685, L765, L786, L806, L829, P853, L900, L907, L910, L1152, L1222, L1224, L1225, L1226, L1241, L1252, L1261, L1284, L1347, L1350, L2383-2387, L3293, L3318, P3467, L3634, P3836, L4057, L4145, 982.014, 983.001.0031, 983.050, 984.024.0005-0010, 984.052, 984.055, 985.068, P986.011, 987.038, 989.307, 990.062, 993.034, 998.087, 998.166, 998.168-998.169, 999.113, 019.R.0011-0014, 019.R.0032
  • Fondo
  • 1918-1987

Fonds consists of assorted documents and photographs relating to the Royal Canadian Navy donated by unknown donors between 1918 and 1987. P79.7: Form titled: "Part II Preparation for Battle (Torpedo)" for HMC ships, not filled out. Date...

Royal Canadian Navy

Canadian Coast Guard Fonds

  • 977.055.0001, 992.083.0001-0009, 993.018.0006-0011, 993.089.0001, 997.055.0001, 006.007.0001, 011.007.0006
  • Fondo
  • 1890-1956; 1983-1987

Fonds consists of - Rules and instructions for the guidance of light keepers book published in 1904, - Booklet containing the regulations governing landing, storage, and use of oils and fuels at government lighthouses, fog alarms, and depots issue...

Canadian Coast Guard

R.H. King Fonds

  • 006.055.0001
  • Fondo

Fonds consists of a Brown's Nautical Atlas of the World including seaports and distances from port to port with complete index.

Department of Marine and Fisheries Fonds

  • 960.001.0001, 0025, 983.017.0001, 993.012.0002, 018.R.0098, 019.R.0009
  • Fondo
  • 1873-1880, 1887, 1912, 1921-1923

Fonds consists of record files of the Department of Marine and Fisheries office of the wreck commissioner for B.C., including inquest documents, correspondence, and survey reports regarding the SS Alaskan enquiry, dating from 1922 to 1923. Also i...

Department of Marine and Fisheries

George Lerrigan Fonds

  • L1778
  • Fondo
  • 1843, 1871-1875

Fonds consists of a small leather diary consisting of handwritten accounts of the vessel Herman which was used to service Race Rocks Lighthouse from 1871 to 1875. Two handwritten notes are slid into a pouch at the front, one dated 1843.

Lerrigan, George H.

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