- L1584
- Archief
- 1901-1905
Fonds consists of a book of continuous certificates of discharge no. 150726 for H. G. Granger (b. 1884). dating from 1901 to 1905.
Granger, H.G.
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Fonds consists of a book of continuous certificates of discharge no. 150726 for H. G. Granger (b. 1884). dating from 1901 to 1905.
Granger, H.G.
Fonds consists primarily of memorabilia related to travel on Canadian Pacific Steamship Lines dating to the 1950s, but also includes documents related to the Royal Navy dating to 1873. L126 Letter to the admiralty dated 21 May 1873 and a protocol...
Wickens, J.H.
Fonds consists of Allan Line Royal Mail Steamer TSS Scotian passenger list for voyage from Halifax to Portland, via Liverpool, beginning 25 March 1911.
Fonds consists of a December 1907 White Star Line timetable for sailings from Liverpool to various ports, and a small leather bound book containing White Star Line general information, tide tables, etc., dated 1908. Also includes Canadian Pacific...
Appleyard, Captain A.V.
Fonds consists of a track chart titled "Lake Champlain, Captain Webster, 1910" given to Eleanor J. Fuller as a memento of her voyage from Liverpool to Montreal 24 June to 2 July 1910.
Fuller, Eleanor J.
Fonds consists of certificates of discharge for O.G. Young, dating from 1886 to 1898.
Young, O.G.
Fonds consists of Canadian Pacific Railways Company's Royal Mail Steamships White Star Line menu and Empress of Ireland passenger list for the sailing from Liverool to Quebec, Friday 28 June 1912.
Sutherland, J.C.
Fonds consists of log books and journals of voyages between Liverpool and Bombay (now called Mumbai) in the 1850s and 1860s, commanded by James C. Peters. L1382 – Log book from the ship Sarah of Liverpool, James C. Peters, Master, on the voyage f...
Peters, Captain James Carter
Fonds consists of a Canadian Pacific Steamships Limited Empress of France abstract of a log for a voyage from Montreal & Quebec to Liverpool departing on 6 June 1952 and a pamphlet for C.P. Rail Ferry service from Vancouver-Vancouver Island.
James A. Pollock-Marshall Fonds
Fonds consits of a Canadian Pacific, RMS Empress of France passenger list, for voyage from Montreal to Liverpool departing 23 October 1948.
Pollock-Marshall, James A.