Naval Architecture



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Naval Architecture

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Naval Architecture

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Naval Architecture

31 résultats pour Naval Architecture

31 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques

Orphan Log Book Collection

  • L238, L552-L553, L750, L857, L859, L874, L1410-L1411, L3316, L3540, L4505, 984.010.0001, 984.024.0001-0011, 984.031.0001-0003, 985.076.0001-0006, 986.042.0006, 986.098.0001-0002, 993.003.0052-0056, 2023.021.0001
  • collection
  • 1848-1868; 1882-1884; 1912-1931; 1941; 1969-1970, 1976

Fonds consists of assorted log books dating from 1848 to 1976. L238: Signals Log for HMCS Armentieres dating from 22 October 1928 to 28 May 1929. L552: Deck log book from HMCS Armentieres dating from 16 April 1931 to July 1931. L553: Log book f...

Schumacher Fonds

  • 017.004.0001-0002
  • collection

8 ship plans for the Friendship Sloop Monheghan and Friendship Sloop Princess, designed by Philip C. Bolger. And, 8 ship plans/bluprints for Friendship Sloop ships, designed by B.B. Crowninshield, naval architect.

N.A. Beketav Fonds

  • L911
  • collection

Fonds consists of a newspaper clipping describing the sails and rigging of the schooner HMS Nancy.

Beketav, N.A.

The Society for Nautical Research Fonds

  • L2351
  • collection
  • 1620-1625, 1958

Fonds consists of a book titled "A Treatise on Shipbuilding and a Treatise on Rigging Written About 1620-1625", edited by W. Salisbury and R.C. Anderson, published by the Society for Nautical Research, 1958.

The Society for Nautical Research

F.G. Crofton Fonds

  • L120-L122
  • collection
  • 1883-1895

Fonds consists of three books: 1. "Suggestions for Fog Signals for Steamers", by Harbour Master, 1883. 2. "The Rules of the Road at Sea In Rhyme", by F.G. Crofton, R.N., 1895. 3. Small booklet describing the patent for a detach...

Crofton, Commander F.G.

Redverse E. Smith Fonds

  • 986.004, 986.043-986.046, 986.049-986.051, 986.059, 986.095
  • collection
  • 1933-1985

Fonds consists of 986.004 Notice for a meeting of the committee of the Royal Humane Society to present the bronze mental of the society to R.E. Smith, to be held 19 December 1933. 986.043 A brief synopsis of the genesis and development of the Ch...

Smith, Redverse E.

Vipond Fonds

  • L2333
  • collection

Fonds consists of a photocopy and a transparency copy of the profile after section elevation of SS Princess Alice.

D.B. Prentice Fonds

  • 000.017.0007-0021
  • collection
  • [ca. 1950s]

Fonds consists of three photo albums containing memorabilia and photographs of TSMV Princess of Vancouver and other B.C. Coast Service Ships, dating to the 1950s and seating cards for Mr. and Mrs. D.B. Prentice at the Launch of TSMV Princess of V...

Prentice, D.B.

Turner Fonds

  • 982.002.0001-0013
  • collection
  • 1962-1964

Fonds consists of correspondence and documents relating to the professional life of Norman Turner, marine surveyor, dating from 1962 to 1964. 1. Reports and Correspondence from Department of Transport, marine regulations branch, dating to 1962. 2...

Turner, Norman

L.D. Belveal Fonds

  • 007.027.0001-0006
  • collection
  • 1936-1941

Fonds consists of six Yarrows Shipyard, Victoria daily journals dating to 1936, 1937, 1939, 1940, and 1941.

Yarrows Shipbuilding Limited

Résultats 11 à 20 sur 31