Naval Training


64 Results for Naval Training

64 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

A.G. Coning Fonds

  • L1476
  • Fonds
  • 1912

Fonds consists of a book titled "Tables to Facilitate the Practice of Great Circle Sailing and the Determination of Azimuths and their Application to the Construction of Gnomonic Charts" by John Thomas Towson and Mr. J.W. Atherton, print...

Coning, Commander A.G.

Barbara Doran Fonds

  • 001.015.0001
  • Fonds
  • 1968

Fonds consists of an engineering 3rd class mid-term test paper dated 16 December 1968 and associated study material from the Department of Transportation, Steamship Inspection Service and Marine Engineering Division.

Doran, Barbara M.

Brown Fonds

  • L3161
  • Fonds
  • 1917

Fonds consists of a Royal Naval College of Canada 1917 calendar.

C.H. Brown Fonds

  • P985.1101-1115, 985.028.0001-0002
  • Fonds
  • 1913-1943

Fonds consists of certificates of service with handwritten comments by the captains of a number of vessels including HMCS Rainbow and HMCS Niobe dating from 1913 to 1940. Also includes a collection of photographs mainly of ships but also of office...

Brown, Lieutenant Commander Charles Henry

C.H. Little Fonds

  • L521-L522, L800, L831, L1240
  • Fonds
  • 1937-1970

Fonds consists of six issues of "The Log" magazine of HMCS Royal Roads, Royal Canadian Naval College from 1943 to 1948, and 1953 and a copy of the 1954/1955 issue of "Venturian" magazine containing articles in both English and ...

Little, Commander C.H.

C.P. Smith Fonds

  • 009.042.0001-0005
  • Fonds
  • 1942

Fonds consists of certificates for Charles Philip Smith for the Dominion-provincial war emergency training programme for courses in shipwright and blue print reading at Yarrows Limited school in 1942, a newspaper clipping of a photograph of picket...

Smith, Charles Philip

Canadian Armed Forces Fonds

  • L2507, L2544, L2762, L2765, L3392, L3463, L3473, L3491, L3560, P4271
  • Fonds
  • 1942-1966

Fonds consists of L2507 A scrapbook regarding HMCS Grisle, the Canadian Submarine Force Pacific, and USS Burrfish, 1943 to 1961, L2544 A blank admirals letter book. These were supplied at one time to flag officers for retention of correspondence...

Canadian Armed Forces

Canadian Coast Guard Fonds

  • 977.055.0001, 992.083.0001-0009, 993.018.0006-0011, 993.089.0001, 997.055.0001, 006.007.0001, 011.007.0006
  • Fonds
  • 1890-1956; 1983-1987

Fonds consists of - Rules and instructions for the guidance of light keepers book published in 1904, - Booklet containing the regulations governing landing, storage, and use of oils and fuels at government lighthouses, fog alarms, and depots issue...

Canadian Coast Guard

Charles A. Prosser Fonds

  • 986.038.0001.1-83
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1950s], 1984

Fonds consists of photographs of ships and crew dating to the 1950s and documents in a Canadian Armed Forces folder. The documents include a page full of signatures for the retirement of Lieutenant Commander Joe Prosser, R.C.N., information on HMC...

Prosser, Lieutenant Commander Joe

D.R. Hooser Fonds

  • L478-L479; L3396-L3397
  • Fonds

Fonds consists of an undated diagram/plan showing gun sights and mounting, a diagram showing the production of fuze hacs, and a document containing diagrams/drawings describing different types of firearms. Also includes a document describing the ...

Hooser, D.R.

Results 1 to 10 of 64