Zona de identificação
tipo de entidade
Pessoa coletiva
Forma autorizada do nome
Royal Roads University
Forma(s) paralela(s) de nome
Forma normalizada do nome de acordo com outras regras
Outra(s) forma(s) do nome
identificadores para entidades coletivas
área de descrição
datas de existência
1995 - present
A public university located on site of Hatley Castle, the estate built west of Esquimalt by James Dunsmuir in the early in 20th century. The property was acquired by the Canadian government in 1940 and became a training establishment to train officers for the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve and subsequently the Royal Canadian Navy College to train officers for the permanent force. After WWII, it initially became a college to give naval and air force officers academic training and subsequently a tri-service college. It ceased being a military college in 1995 and is now a public university.