Anglican Diocesan Archive Fonds
- 991.048.0001-0002
- Archief
- 1944-1945
Fonds consist of annual reports of the Canadian Merchant Service Guild.
Anglican Church of Canada
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Anglican Diocesan Archive Fonds
Fonds consist of annual reports of the Canadian Merchant Service Guild.
Anglican Church of Canada
Draft and trim plan for CN No6 tug.
CN No6 Arrangement of Machinery
Arrangement of Machinery plan for CN No6 tug.
General Arrangement plan for CN No6 tug.
CN No6 Doublers in Cracks Over Boat Deck
Doublers in Cracks Over Boat Decks plan for CN No6 tug.
Versatile Pacific Shipyards Fonds
Collection of around 4000 ship's plans ranging from approximately 1912 to 1960 from Versatile Pacific Shipyards Inc.
Versatile Pacific Shipyards Limited