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13 résultats pour Steamships

13 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques

G. Russell Fonds

  • 988.179.0002-0003
  • collection
  • 1952

Fonds consists of a Canadian Pacific Steamships Limited Empress of France abstract of a log for a voyage from Montreal & Quebec to Liverpool departing on 6 June 1952 and a pamphlet for C.P. Rail Ferry service from Vancouver-Vancouver Island.

R.S. Maxwell Fonds

  • L1005-L1006
  • collection

Fonds consists of a certificate of merchant marine cadet ship Beaver for contribution to maritime and citizenship training of youth. Certificate number 120 with two signatures at the bottom, but not addressed to anyone. Also contains a copper meda...

D.F. Eaton Fonds

  • L4279
  • collection

Fonds consists of a single sheet sample of stationary from Union Steamships Limited, Vancouver, B.C.

Eaton, Captain D.F.

Résultats 11 à 13 sur 13