- L1131
- collection
- 1926-1962
Fonds consists of 16 logbooks of the motor yacht Discover Isle, written by Captain Beaumont. Also includes a photograph of the yacht.
Beaumont, Captain E.G.
Fonds consists of 16 logbooks of the motor yacht Discover Isle, written by Captain Beaumont. Also includes a photograph of the yacht.
Beaumont, Captain E.G.
Fonds consists of assorted documents and ephemera related to the Royal Navy. L176: Booklet titled "The International Code of Signals for the Use of all Nations 1913”, prepared by the Board of Trade and published for the committee by Lloyd...
Royal Navy
Fonds consists of the black, leather diary of E.A. Morris, father of the donors. The diary is divided into three trips, London to New York on Board the Steamship Danmark from 11 April to 28 April 1877, New York to San Fransisco by train from 28 A...
Morris, E.A.
Fonds consists of documents and memorabilia collected by several members of the Pullen family relating to their various naval careers. L107 A newspaper clipping dated 1956 containing an article detailing the history of the Victoria Cross from the...
Pullen Family
Fonds consist of a photo album composed of photographs, newspaper clippings, and certificates relating to Owen's work on the S.F. Tolmie. Inscribed by his partner, Gertrude Owen: "Loving Memory of my late husband who served on the S.F. T...
Owen, Wallis Holland