Série organique 2022.028.0001-0014 - Ship Plans

Zone du titre et de la mention de responsabilité

Titre propre

Ship Plans

Dénomination générale des documents

  • Dessin technique

Niveau de description

Série organique

Institution de conservation

Code de référence


Zone des dates de production


  • 1897 - 1997 (Production)

Zone de description matérielle

Description matérielle

14 technical drawings : both sides, some col., annotations ; 119.33 x 109.22 cm or smaller

Zone de la description archivistique

Nom du producteur

Clarkson, John A. (unknown-)

Notice biographique

John A. Clarkson was a fulltime member of the Transportation Safety Board of Canada where reviewed and approved investigation reports regarding all air, rail, marine and pipeline accident/incidents. While working with the Council of Marine Carriers (CMC) ... »

Présentation du contenu

Series consists of ship plans relating to John Clarkson’s position as the Nautical Inspector for Transport Canada. The breakdown of the 14 ship plans is: Island Princess (3), Jefferson (1), PacifiCat Explorer (5), Estevan (2), Stern Wheel Steamer (1), ... »

Zone des notes

Localisation des originaux

MMBC off-site storage.
Ship plans are located in C1, E28, I1, J1, P99, S8.

Restrictions d'accès

No restriction. All requests for use must be made through the MMBC Research Request program (http://mmbc.bc.ca/collections/library-and-archives/research/). Please note that fees may apply.

Points d'accès

Zone du contrôle

Dates de production, de révision et de suppression

December 2023